The vision of the I4byDESIGN Competence Center is to combine the know-how, experience and technological specialization of its partners on the technologies that fall in the field of Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0 and through a variety of actions and services that it will be offered, to propose and to promote the implementation of integrated technological solutions in Greek SMEs. The ultimate goal of this process is to offer a competitive advantage to the center’s member companies.

Therefore, I4byDESIGN is expected to contribute to the acceleration of the process of digital and technological transformation of a significant part of the Greek production system, both locally and nationally, with emphasis on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In this context, dissemination and communication activities will be organized in order to exchange knowledge and expertise for Industry 4.0, training, education and learning programs will be carried out with the aim of acquiring skills in Industry 4.0, as well as further entrepreneurship will be encouraged. Finally, integrated technological solutions in Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0 as well as innovation and entrepreneurship projects will be developed.
The shareholders of I4byDESIGN are the following institutions and private companies: CERTH, Antisel SA, Atlantis Engineering SA, Austriacard AG, Brainbox SA, Dotsoft SA, Thess INTEC SA, KLEEMANN Hellas SA, Eunice Laboratories ΜΑΕ, Euroconsultants SA, FINT Ltd, IknowHow SA, Inform Λύκος SA, Intec SA, M-Sensis SA, Pragma-IoT PC, Renel PC, Space Hellas SA, 3D HUB, Telenavis SA, Tettix, Uni Systems ΜΑΕ και Vidavo SA.